Two weeks in
As the storm of micro cosmic entities hits
The shores of our consciousness
As a surge of feeling free
From what I don’t know
Makes me feel an excitement
Not felt since childhood summer holidays
Nothing to do
And all day to do it
A pandora box of unshackled imaginings
Dancing in my child mind
Just fueling bursts of ecstasy
Brought on by no demand
Of time or effort of thought or deed
Just magically entering ethereal realms
All possibilities
When will we emerge
To cast off our silky case
Spun by those who would protect
Or indeed imprison us
As pupae race
For our own protection
From hordes of invading micro species
Trying their best
To thrive and survive
And to what heavene’d adjustment
Is this due
To realise corporeal harmony
A micro biome
Trusting itself again
Talking to trees and plants
To once more enhance
And help
our micro selves to dance
Once more together.