Poetry For Now is our second writing project encouraging stanza led, poetic, musical forms of expression, of capturing the more subtle challenges of working or living in this world. The first project was The Pandemic as Systemic Flux Writing Project which ran between May 2020 – May 2021.
We need
systemic people to speak to us
from across transdisciplinary communities
to join different perspectives
and create new connections.
We need
writings from the heart,
from kitchen table to train
from top floor flat to windowless office.
We all
have tales to share
about people – our work -our lives -our many different selves.
How time has changed.
How numbers have become meaningless
and shocking in the same
We are trained to notice.
We are schooled in finding ways
of speaking
to things
things often
so slippery
so prickly
so shapechanging
that our sentences
refuse to run smoothly
So many things
cannot be spoken in paragraphs.
let’s face it…
no-one speak in prose anyway.