Decolonising Systemic Practice
Opening soon… The third writing project with the systemic community. This time we’re inviting you to send in poems, flash tales and papers inspired by attempts to recolonise practice.
Opening soon… The third writing project with the systemic community. This time we’re inviting you to send in poems, flash tales and papers inspired by attempts to recolonise practice.
…by Jenn McKinney Inter-sections -the word makes it seem so clean cut That parts of me merge at clean angles To form the whole, like a road with directions Signposting my whiteness, my femininity, Religion, class, ability, identity. But I have these unseen parts, invisible even to me That hide behind the thickets of my life. And in those […]
Poetry For Now is our second writing project encouraging stanza led, poetic, musical forms of expression, of capturing the more subtle challenges of working or living in this world. The first project was The Pandemic as Systemic Flux Writing Project which ran between May 2020 – May 2021. We need systemic people to speak to us from across transdisciplinary communities […]
Share your poems or stanza writing about relational changes and their unfolding consequences across human and non-human systems Why Now? We are in critical times. We need new ways of responding – reflecting – speaking out. This writing project is a space for us systemic practitioners systemic thinkers to find ways of speaking about our experiences of documenting our noticings […]
By Timara McCollum . . . My name is Timara McCollum and I live in Eastern Tennessee, in the Southeastern part of the United States. Today is Tuesday, July 21, 2020 and schools are starting to open in surrounding counties. The school district for our county is scheduled to open August 17th, 2020. Every parent soon learns the life lesson […]
Jean Binta Breeze 1956 - 2021
Dub Poet
I want to make words
move beyond language
into sound
(From The Garden Path)