Towards a New Post-corona Version of the Self. Escaping Bachelard’s Dual Anthropology

By Karin Hannes . . . Research Group SoMeTHin’K (Social, Methodological and Theoretical Innovation / Kreative), Faculty of Social Sciences, KU Leuven . . . The lockdown will continue for another four weeks, so I have heard on the radio this morning. Quarantine. I am out of my public zone. My social, methodological and theoretical innovation lab is somewhere ‘out […]

On Planes that have Changed into Birds

By Szymon Chrzastowski . . . The Psychological Counselling Centre of The University of Warsaw, Poland . . . “Hope” is the thing with feathers – That perches in the soul – And sings the tune without the word Emily Dickinson I’m very busy in everyday life, dividing my time between academic duties and conducting psychotherapy. I also try to […]

Chaos, Fear, Conspiracy and Uncertainty

By Freda McEwen . . . Chaos, fear, conspiracy and uncertainty  The overwhelming chill of the unknown   The fear of being attacked by the unknown  The evidence overtook common sense  The speculation, secrets, suspicions  were more evidential than the evidence  Impossible to reason with reason as there is no reason  People held at ransom  Imprisoned by safety  and forced to […]

This Is Not Normal

By Gaby Charing . . . I already have my death booked. After living for seven years with bowel cancer, I’m no longer having treatment. An end-of-life care package is a phone call away. I’m just stopped at the lights. Death doesn’t frighten me. I’m past all that. You, by contrast, weren’t expecting this. Yes, anyone can be cut down […]