Dear Band Aid: An email from “Africa” (via an African-Caribbean Black British Londoner, aka Jasmine Chin)

By Jasmine Chin . . . WARNING! Reading this letter may take away a treasured relationship to a much loved, favourite song. Read only if moving towards discomfort is something you choose to do…. From: J Chin <Jasmine.Chin@Londoner.disconnectedfromafricanheritage.tier4.thewest > Sent: 21 December 2020 18.34 GMT To: Bob & Friends < BandAid@charityheadquarters.tier4.thewest >Subject: Tiresome & inescapable racism at Christmas Dear Band […]

Images of (Im)permanence: Wayfaring with chalk’s messaging media in the time of Covid

By Kim Lenters . . . In this photo essay, I invite you to accompany me, as I revisit Prince’s Island in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with photos collected on daily walks in May through July, 2020, during the unfolding, early days the Covid-19 pandemic. As an educational researcher interested in the socio-material practice of literacy, such murmurations are of great […]

pandemic interruptus

By Kenneth Silvestri . . . challenging the need to be interdependent our innate force of searching for a synchrony to avoid misinterpreting nature which gives clues of our injurious ways  of trying to outsmart her gifts of guidance that are right there always skirting our subconscious,  which is regardless continuously archiving everything we have ever seen or heard in […]

Covid-inner conversations

By Irene Cronin . . . To the therapeutic encounter I now bring Uncertainty, with an almighty ring, Fears and anxieties, I never knew, Old wounds, forgotten, somehow grew. Layers unfolding daily, And all the different interpretations, really! Are you not getting it? I hear myself say, A distance, much more than two meters away. What’s at hand? Our social […]